The Archangel

Jesus, who is and always will be God and Creator like the Father, voluntarily descends to the ANGELS’ level at the creation of the angelic realm to become their supreme leader… the archangel Michael. I see that God the Son, by coming to Earth and incarnating Himself as man, descends for the second time, again humbly and voluntarily, from God the Son and Michael the ANGEL to Jesus the man… from Creator and chief of the heavenly armies to Savior of His creation, the human race. Lucifer, on the other hand, wants to rise from creature to the rank of creator. Envy springs up in his heart: “he wants at all costs to be equal to the Most High” (see Isaiah 14:14). He wants Jesus’ position, Son of God, at all costs. What a difference between the humility of Jesus the Creator and the arrogance of Lucifer the creature!
God the Father tries to dissuade Lucifer, to no avail. He is banished but he still has free access to God’s throne until Jesus’ death on the cross. After the resurrection, Jesus ascends victorious to His Father in heaven. Indeed, through His sacrifice Jesus defeats death and the forces of evil. The Bible (Revelation 4) describes the enthronement of Jesus, who sits on the right hand of God the Father. However, before all this takes place, the prince of the Matrix is definitively expelled from heaven, regrettably by force, with his entire host of DEMONS.
In the last cosmic battle between good and evil, the prince of lies, in order to deceive Jesus’ fans, will resort to his capacity to perform great marvels, wonders and signs (see Matt 24:24; Rev 13:13), but God will intervene, as always, as the chief of the heavenly hosts, Michael, and will win: “In that time Michael will rise up, the great chief, the defender of your people’s children; …and your people will be saved” (Daniel 12:1).


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