Welcome to the Matrix

First of all, allow me to give you 10 tips on your life in the Matrix:
1. Keep thinking about your look, it’ll make you a winner,
2. Keep eating, drinking and having fun, it’s the best you can get in the Matrix,
3. Keep thinking only of yourself, your neighbor could be an enemy.
4. Keep watching TV all the time, it will be your guide to everything,
5. Keep listening to music on the radio, it will pamper you always and everywhere,
6. Keep reading the bestselling newspapers, they will keep you informed on what’s necessary.
7. Keep being religious, it will save you.
8. Keep taking your money to the gurus of finance, they will take care of it,
9. Keep entrusting your health to chemical substances, they will protect you,
10. Keep delegating your search for God to religious leaders, they are working towards a new universal, mystical spirituality.
… but above all… relax and free your mind, there’s someone else to do your thinking for you!!!
Who am I? They say that I am the Prince of this world, but I like to see myself more modestly as the bringer of light.


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