22 February 2016
4 March 2016


The darkest chapters of history are full of the memory of crimes committed by religious bigots. They had the appearance of ANGELS, of holy men, but they were really DEMONS, religious in name only.

The Pharisees claimed to be the children of Abraham and boasted that they had the law of God; and yet these benefits did not preserve them from egoism, wickedness, love for money and falsehood. They believed themselves to be the world’s greatest religious community but their so-called “holiness” caused them to crucify Jesus, their Saviour and mine. They had the appearance of ANGELS, of holy men, but they were really DEMONS, religious in name only.

The same danger exists today. Many believe themselves to be ANGELS simply because they accept the theology of Christianity, but they do not put its truths into practice. A person can profess to have faith in the truth but if he/she does not become sincere, benevolent, patient and tolerant they become a curse to themselves and to the world… in short, a DEMON.

DEMONS may bear the epithet “Christian” but they cannot manifest a Christ-like character. The great pretence, the outward forms and ceremonies, although impressive, cannot make me Christian-style, i.e. like Christ, nor can they purify my character.

Without Jesus’ presence in my heart, religion is just a cold, dead formality.

No Jesus, no angel!

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