10 April 2017
28 April 2017


A story of premature death

The “death of God”, which is symbolically accepted by ignoring his existence, in fact, leads man not only to the rejection of the belief in an absolute higher power, but also the refusal of the absolute values themselves, as well as the rejection of an absolute universal moral law that guarantees proper functioning in creation as a whole.

In this manner, the created being that refuses the “source code” of the Creator God, will lose the divine breath of life.A philosophy of Post-Christianity based on denial of the Creator and exaltation of the created being, is emerging from the ashes of Christianity. And the first created being to receive worship from his peers will be precisely him … the prince of the Matrix himself, the father of lies.

* But is the true and authentic Christianity really hopelessly dead?

* Will Jesus really cancel his appointment with planet earth, as announced and promised for thousands of years?

* And will the Creator God really renounce meeting His beloved created beings, thereby leaving them to a fate of unavoidable self-destruction?

Just as Jesus has risen from the grave, so will Christianity be resurrected from its mortal sleep, preparing the second coming of God’s Son. He will lead me into the arms of my almighty Father. On the contrary, the birth of the much acclaimed ” Matrixian post-Christian philosophy” will give birth to a stillborn.

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