22 October 2013
29 October 2013


In Jesus’ very well-known parable of the ten virgins, Jesus himself defines a large percentage of His so-called fans as STUPID/FOOLISH. Why might I be part of this group of “stupid, dense fans” of Jesus today? It is important that I answer this question because Jesus, just as clearly, says that these STUPID people will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Stupid people think that the Matrix is external to them. But the most dangerous Matrixian spirit, and thus the fiercest antichrist that I will face in life, is without a doubt my EGO.
  • Stupid people preach that salvation can only be found within the ecclesial/doctrinal) perimeter that they outline.  But salvation is about the relationship between each single creature and their Creator.
  • Stupid people are absolutely certain that they are the best fans of Jesus, defining themselves the church of God or the remnant. But the best fans of Jesus are those who are like Jesus, especially in humility, admitting their own spiritual bankruptcy.

Can I see the tentacles of the Matrix that have made inroads in my heart? Do I accept that I must abandon the human definition of “church of God/remnant” and what the “Matrix” is? Do I realize that the “COME OUT OF THE MATRIX, my fan” message of Revelation 18 is actually addressed to me???

Yes, those who (thanks to their own religious pride) believe they are out of the Matrix are definitively defined as STUPID and DENSE by Jesus in His famous parable.

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