1 January 1970
Blogeur pour Jésus
18 July 2013


Just as Jesus two thousand years ago used the most common imagery of the society of those days to form his very famous parables, it should come as no surprise if Jesus, defined even by atheists as “the greatest communicator of all time”, today, in my post-modern society were to use common imagery from the most famous and popular films.

Just as Jesus two thousand years ago used a language defined as the “street talk” of the prostitutes and publicans rather than the language of decent, educated men and the religious, it should come as no surprise if Jesus, universally recognized as a preacher who could get through everybody, today, in my post-modern society were to use a very “down-to-earth” language, thus light years away from the erudite forms of religious eloquence.

Just as Jesus two thousand years ago chose the public squares and the streets of Galilee to make resound His message of hope and salvation for humanity, it should come as no surprise if Jesus, remembered as the friend of the lowly and the underdogs, today, in my post-modern society were to equip Himself with a PC and Internet connection to make His cry resound in the virtual squares of the social networks and blogs.

Today in the Matrix, a society in which the virtual is replacing the real, the Biblical prophets and Jesus’ apostles would be called bloggers… bloggers 4 Jesus.

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